Friday, 11 May 2007


On our first day in Krakow, we visited Auschwitz, the infamous concentration and extermination camp. It had such a gloomy atmosphere... your heart feels heavy just walking through its barracks. We saw tonnes of shoes and hair owned by its previous prisoners. We could even see cyclone B... the weapon that was used to kill so many people in the gas chambers. There were a myriad of other torture chambers as well... including the suffocation, starvation and standing chambers.

Day two in Krakow was spent at the main square... it wa really crowded with young people. The Cloth hall had stalls selling different sorts of things. St Mary's church was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! One of the best churches I've seen so far. We actually sat in there doing accounts... felt rather guilty after that (for spending so much money on exchange). The irony heh. We saw the Town hall tower and the Floriaska gate too.

That's it for now... I'm gonna be uploading photos in my posts so they'll be colourful =D

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