Friday, 30 March 2007
So pretty
On the way back from class... I saw this tree that was filled with pretty pink flowers. It didn't have any leaves at all. It was all lil sweet flowers everywhere! I felt like I was in Japan or Korea... looking at sakura flowers. Managed to capture a not-very-good shot of it with my phone. If only this tree is growing outside my window. I feel like buying a pot of flowers and putting it in my room.
-obsessed with plants-
-obsessed with plants-
Thursday, 29 March 2007
I woke up soooo late today. Had such a good sleep snuggling beneath my duvet. Had lunch with yx, eugene and paul at the pizza place. Mmmm. We decided to do dinner at spoletorp and invite the rest over. Eugene, paul and I prepared dinner: Pork curry, pai gu wang (both prepared by paul), beer chicken (Me) and nice veggies (eugene). I stole the beer chicken recipe from my mum and it turned out alright hehe. Should have taken photos! Bleh.
It was great seeing the rest again. Dinner gatherings are always the best. We just sit around... eat and talk a lot of rubbish (although we do have our share of intellectual convos at times). I had soo much ice cream today. Ahhhhhhhhhh. -_- Need to stop eating all this nonsense.
Poor yuxian got slammed so many times. Haha she's so cute sometimes. I'm so glad I don't get slammed here =D I'm un-jackable! Whooo! And I noticed something... I have a tendency to listen more than I talk during the dinners. It's nice listening to what everyone has to say and observing them. I won't be speaking out a lot so it's not that tiring. It's just amusing... I see a different side of me when I'm with these friends. Would I call myself reserved? I don't know.
Anyway... I'm in love with salsa! I'm not very good at it at the moment... but it's still really enjoyable. Poor eugene... he has to put up with my cannot-make-it frame and bad memory. Need to brush up! Gotta be at the same level as gerald, daphne, kim and justin! I wanna dance with you guys too! Wait for meeeee.
I think I miss my mum. Wow.
It was great seeing the rest again. Dinner gatherings are always the best. We just sit around... eat and talk a lot of rubbish (although we do have our share of intellectual convos at times). I had soo much ice cream today. Ahhhhhhhhhh. -_- Need to stop eating all this nonsense.
Poor yuxian got slammed so many times. Haha she's so cute sometimes. I'm so glad I don't get slammed here =D I'm un-jackable! Whooo! And I noticed something... I have a tendency to listen more than I talk during the dinners. It's nice listening to what everyone has to say and observing them. I won't be speaking out a lot so it's not that tiring. It's just amusing... I see a different side of me when I'm with these friends. Would I call myself reserved? I don't know.
Anyway... I'm in love with salsa! I'm not very good at it at the moment... but it's still really enjoyable. Poor eugene... he has to put up with my cannot-make-it frame and bad memory. Need to brush up! Gotta be at the same level as gerald, daphne, kim and justin! I wanna dance with you guys too! Wait for meeeee.
I think I miss my mum. Wow.
Mystical trees
Do you know that trees can grow back their leaves within a short period of time? I find that really amazing. It usually happens at night when everyone's asleep. If only I can watch the whole process. Can you imagine? One day you see the trees being all bare and twisted. The next, you see them all leafy. I can't wait for that to happen in Lund. It'll be so enchanting. =)
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
*spacing out*
I had nice gelato ice cream today! Passion fruit, saffron and lime! Eating ice cream in spring so nice. We were sitting on a bench in the town square, basking in the sun. You can see people sitting on the stone ground... chilling out and chatting. It's a sight you'll never see in Singapore. Yuxian and I were just talking about her trip... it was so very comfortable.
More shopping today. -_- I bought big shades from h&m =D I think they're too big for my face. I kinda regret buying them... but yet I don't. Dilemma. Check them out! Eeek. My hair's so ugly.

More shopping today. -_- I bought big shades from h&m =D I think they're too big for my face. I kinda regret buying them... but yet I don't. Dilemma. Check them out! Eeek. My hair's so ugly.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Unclogging a sink is the most disgusting thing to do. Especially if you do it with your hand (although it's wrapped up with a plastic bag) Under such circumstances, I would rather not be a feminist. I would willingly allow a guy to help me do the dirty job. It's just...
I woke up sooo eaaaarly today! I didn't have a choice since I had to go to the library to get information for my gender studies take home exam. I had difficulty walking there. Why? Because it's just tooooo sunny in spring. I had to walk with my head down the whole time, if not I think I might become blind. It's time for me to invest in a pair of shades here. I want big big ones! But I can't wear big big ones because I have a small small face. -_-
I feel sooo bad toay. I was supposed to meet ming for his business class but I totally forgot about it! Was trying to rush out my gender essay. I feel so mean -_- I need to get ginko nuts... seriously. Oh and there's something wrong with me these days. I can't seem to articulate my thoughts. I keep stammering and losing track of my thoughts. Maybe I'm suffering from some mental deterioration. Oh no. How. I don't want to be stupid!
I had a nice dinner with paul today after doing our gender project. It was exceptionally nice because tomoki joined us at the dinner table and we actually had a proper conversation with him. He's actually not that dao. He was telling us that living in sweden is actually more expensive than living in tokyo. Surprising eh -_- I thought tokyo's like the most expensive place to live in. In lund, he actually eats pasta all the time to save money. Pasta 24/7... ugh. Anyway, we were talking about how westerners are different from asians. We're not party animals like him... and we really prefer to have dinner gatherings instead. We're so mild hehe (although there are exceptions of course). It's quite funny... I thought about anna when tomoki was describing tokyo. You're going to have so much fun in japan darling! You can check out the cool fashion and cute guys =p
I'm feeling a bit groggy. Just drank dom (the eeky alcohol that stings your throat) Gonna stone for a while. Whee!
I feel sooo bad toay. I was supposed to meet ming for his business class but I totally forgot about it! Was trying to rush out my gender essay. I feel so mean -_- I need to get ginko nuts... seriously. Oh and there's something wrong with me these days. I can't seem to articulate my thoughts. I keep stammering and losing track of my thoughts. Maybe I'm suffering from some mental deterioration. Oh no. How. I don't want to be stupid!
I had a nice dinner with paul today after doing our gender project. It was exceptionally nice because tomoki joined us at the dinner table and we actually had a proper conversation with him. He's actually not that dao. He was telling us that living in sweden is actually more expensive than living in tokyo. Surprising eh -_- I thought tokyo's like the most expensive place to live in. In lund, he actually eats pasta all the time to save money. Pasta 24/7... ugh. Anyway, we were talking about how westerners are different from asians. We're not party animals like him... and we really prefer to have dinner gatherings instead. We're so mild hehe (although there are exceptions of course). It's quite funny... I thought about anna when tomoki was describing tokyo. You're going to have so much fun in japan darling! You can check out the cool fashion and cute guys =p
I'm feeling a bit groggy. Just drank dom (the eeky alcohol that stings your throat) Gonna stone for a while. Whee!
Monday, 26 March 2007
Already monday!
Time really flies! It's 26/3... april's nearing. Tomorrow yuxian will be back from her trip... and the day after, the rest will be back in Lund. I wonder what I've been doing. Well, I guess I've been trying out quite a bit of cooking. Tried baking chicken with basil and lemon. It was superb to me =D (probably cause it was edible lol) Then for dinner, I baked chicken with honey and veggies with butter. Had potatoes with cheese too. I knooow... it's such a western meal hehe.
I bought three necklaces from the makeshift stall opposite ica's today. *beams* Really cheap! I think I want to check out the stuff again. Can't afford clothes so I will just have to settle for accessories. The things at the stall were really nice I think... I got this semi-glam necklace and two other beady ones. So happy! I don't care... since I don't get to shop in eastern europe or in munich, I buy stuff here!
I think I'm feeling a bit lonely. Noone's online. Guess I should dl more movies. Actually dling blood diamond atm. The dl speed is damn fast! I'm dling at 1+MB per second. Sweeeeeet isn't it. I have no idea what to watch so help me out guys! Tell me what's good to watch!
*feels so nua*
I bought three necklaces from the makeshift stall opposite ica's today. *beams* Really cheap! I think I want to check out the stuff again. Can't afford clothes so I will just have to settle for accessories. The things at the stall were really nice I think... I got this semi-glam necklace and two other beady ones. So happy! I don't care... since I don't get to shop in eastern europe or in munich, I buy stuff here!
I think I'm feeling a bit lonely. Noone's online. Guess I should dl more movies. Actually dling blood diamond atm. The dl speed is damn fast! I'm dling at 1+MB per second. Sweeeeeet isn't it. I have no idea what to watch so help me out guys! Tell me what's good to watch!
*feels so nua*
I can't believe I'm actually googling for recipes lol. Gonna try baking basil lemon chicken tomorrow. Go go me! *does pom pom dance for myself*
Sunday, 25 March 2007
So yesterday
Yesterday yesterday... so what happened yesterday?
Ming came over to have lunch. We tried cooking the fish that we bought from willy's and silly me added too much salt. I'm such a lousy cook! *frown* Anyway, I think the only easy way to cook the fish without screwing it up is to fry it with flour. Something like the fish in fish and chips heh.
We went to town after that =D It's to reward ourselves for finishing social policy! Didn't really get to walk around much... I didn't want to drag ming around to shop, it would be too boring for him. Think I'll walk around town by myself tomorrow =D Ming was telling me about his gf and stuff... and it was nice to hear how they've been together for 7 years. That's really a loonnnng time... it's amazing.
Tried cooking curry chicken and xiu yok at night. We were worried that the dishes wouldn't turn out nice... but we actually succeeded! *beams* We can still have good food when the rest are not around lol. Headed to T (or tea) bar after dinner... there were so many swedes in the club. The music was actually good! Lots of r&b =D Some of the songs weren't as nice cause they were translated to swedish. Bah. And they kept replaying this song... I got so sick of it! The one with 'everybody dance now!' I already heard it so many times at arts camp '06 heh.
Didn't really drink a lot... the alcohol was so overpriced inside. I guess we'll be going back though... when the rest come back. It's quite an interesting place... we saw many swedes dressed up in retro clothes... some came in afro wigs. The swedes are very expressive when it comes to dancing too. They hop around -alot-. Ohhh the swedish guy who came along with us, Marten, dances really funny... in a cute kinda way. I was trying not to laugh at him the whole time. He bought the both of us drinks (well I guess he can afford it since the government gives him allowance every month) We saw many chio swedish girls... they're like everywhere! So envious *sigh* The swedes really have good genes heh. And there's one thing I don't get... how do they get such great figures! It's unfaaaaaaaaaaaaaair. Anyway, I felt quite tired at the club... not sure why. I think I need to replenish my energy!
On a side note, I think I'm pmsing -_-
Ming came over to have lunch. We tried cooking the fish that we bought from willy's and silly me added too much salt. I'm such a lousy cook! *frown* Anyway, I think the only easy way to cook the fish without screwing it up is to fry it with flour. Something like the fish in fish and chips heh.
We went to town after that =D It's to reward ourselves for finishing social policy! Didn't really get to walk around much... I didn't want to drag ming around to shop, it would be too boring for him. Think I'll walk around town by myself tomorrow =D Ming was telling me about his gf and stuff... and it was nice to hear how they've been together for 7 years. That's really a loonnnng time... it's amazing.
Tried cooking curry chicken and xiu yok at night. We were worried that the dishes wouldn't turn out nice... but we actually succeeded! *beams* We can still have good food when the rest are not around lol. Headed to T (or tea) bar after dinner... there were so many swedes in the club. The music was actually good! Lots of r&b =D Some of the songs weren't as nice cause they were translated to swedish. Bah. And they kept replaying this song... I got so sick of it! The one with 'everybody dance now!' I already heard it so many times at arts camp '06 heh.
Didn't really drink a lot... the alcohol was so overpriced inside. I guess we'll be going back though... when the rest come back. It's quite an interesting place... we saw many swedes dressed up in retro clothes... some came in afro wigs. The swedes are very expressive when it comes to dancing too. They hop around -alot-. Ohhh the swedish guy who came along with us, Marten, dances really funny... in a cute kinda way. I was trying not to laugh at him the whole time. He bought the both of us drinks (well I guess he can afford it since the government gives him allowance every month) We saw many chio swedish girls... they're like everywhere! So envious *sigh* The swedes really have good genes heh. And there's one thing I don't get... how do they get such great figures! It's unfaaaaaaaaaaaaaair. Anyway, I felt quite tired at the club... not sure why. I think I need to replenish my energy!
On a side note, I think I'm pmsing -_-
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Yay! I'm kinda done with swedish social policy. I don't know if I'll pass... I'm just keeping my fingers crossed. So it's two done and one more to go! I spent a great deal of time at ming's today trying to finish the essay. I think I'm pretty brain dead at the moment. Hehe.
Had cola chicken for dinner! It's really sweet... but still nice =) Paul and gabby joined us... it was nice to see them considering the fact that I've been cooped up in spoletorp for the past week. Hmm. I think I'm becoming hungry. I feel like snacking! Oooo I bought ham today *beams* Note to self: need to buy margarine.
I don't know why... it's 1.15am in the morning and I'm not feeling tired -_- I just feel like spacing out... think about nothing. Even blogging right now is kinda mind boggling. Hehe. I just got distracted by my nutella lol.
Had cola chicken for dinner! It's really sweet... but still nice =) Paul and gabby joined us... it was nice to see them considering the fact that I've been cooped up in spoletorp for the past week. Hmm. I think I'm becoming hungry. I feel like snacking! Oooo I bought ham today *beams* Note to self: need to buy margarine.
I don't know why... it's 1.15am in the morning and I'm not feeling tired -_- I just feel like spacing out... think about nothing. Even blogging right now is kinda mind boggling. Hehe. I just got distracted by my nutella lol.
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
I'm going to miss lund when I go back. I'm going to miss lund soooo much. Life here is so idyllic.
It's been a long time
I haven't posted anything in such a long time. Oopsie ^_^ Nothing much has happened really... I've been in my room studying (not very productive I must say) development econs... doing swedish social policy and well, stoning. I should really get out. I think I have issues lol. I tend to coop myself up when exams are nearing. I should be going out there! I'm on exchange! Okay... but seriously, I have no idea how to pass this by studying minimally. Ahhh help. Nevermind... the paper's tomorrow and I'm just gonna do my best. Then I can finish social policy and gender.
Oh oh oh! I saw sleet for the first time two days ago. I was sooo glad that I wasn't outdoors. The weather's really unpredictable. The weather was so niceee last week (I even went out to play frisbee) but now it's starting to be cold again. Where is spring?! I see flowers blooming everywhere... but why isn 't the warmth here yet. -_- Looking out of my window right now... it's so gloomy. Haiiii.
Yuxian went off to munich this morning. I felt a little sad actually. I think I'm gonna miss having someone around to chat/cook/eat/gossip with. The rest are away in Eastern Europe too... only paul and ming are around. But I guess being alone has its perks. I can do whatever I want. I can go grocery shopping and buy comfort food =D Yay!
I feel like going somewhere. I want to have crazy fun. I want to do wild things.
Oh oh oh! I saw sleet for the first time two days ago. I was sooo glad that I wasn't outdoors. The weather's really unpredictable. The weather was so niceee last week (I even went out to play frisbee) but now it's starting to be cold again. Where is spring?! I see flowers blooming everywhere... but why isn 't the warmth here yet. -_- Looking out of my window right now... it's so gloomy. Haiiii.
Yuxian went off to munich this morning. I felt a little sad actually. I think I'm gonna miss having someone around to chat/cook/eat/gossip with. The rest are away in Eastern Europe too... only paul and ming are around. But I guess being alone has its perks. I can do whatever I want. I can go grocery shopping and buy comfort food =D Yay!
I feel like going somewhere. I want to have crazy fun. I want to do wild things.
Thursday, 8 March 2007
I don't know why... I feel sad. Perhaps I know the reason but I'm just in denial about it. I haven't felt like this in ages. It's a sinking feeling... with a tinge of trepidation. Is it just a combination of unfortunate events? Or is it more than that. I don't know. Maybe I don't wanna know. I hope I'm not going to lose you.
Decent Wednesday
I couldn't wake up for my 8am class this morning -_- My blinds weren't fully drawn... and I still couldn't drag myself out of bed. Ah well... I hope I didn't miss much.
Anyway... I went shopping today! Whee! There's actually a shopping center in Lund... it's called nova. It's quite near yixin's place actually... lucky girl. The outside of the shopping center looks really dreary though. It looks like expo... yah. Ugh. I'm not going to complain anymore though... cause the place has topshop, gina tricot and many other shops. Yuxian, yixin, elaine and I went around the place for two hours... we kinda left the guys alone to do their stuff haha. Had so much fun window shopping and gossiping with them. Thanks girls! =D I bought a nice black and white dress for 149 kronas... which is okay. Really satisfied with my buy. Not sure whether I'll get to wear it here though... I haven't worn my denim skirts yet. Feeling flabby. Hmm. Haven't reached the ba ba stage yet though... I hope not. (don't worry harris, I'm not going to seduce you haha)
We had the biggest pizzas for dinner! They were damn big lah! The big pizzas really make vildaden a more attractive place to live in. We finally went to yixin's place... it's quite cosy actually. Looks a lot like delphi's. Played lotsss of shithead at her living room. I was quite suay this time. Arghhhh. Gotta play at spoletorp next time! And don't sit next to gerald chew... or yixin haha. Elaine's the nicest!
Lots of reading to do... I can't slack anymore. Development econs is so heavy. -_- Ohhhh! Bleach should be out tomorrow! *beams*
Anyway... I went shopping today! Whee! There's actually a shopping center in Lund... it's called nova. It's quite near yixin's place actually... lucky girl. The outside of the shopping center looks really dreary though. It looks like expo... yah. Ugh. I'm not going to complain anymore though... cause the place has topshop, gina tricot and many other shops. Yuxian, yixin, elaine and I went around the place for two hours... we kinda left the guys alone to do their stuff haha. Had so much fun window shopping and gossiping with them. Thanks girls! =D I bought a nice black and white dress for 149 kronas... which is okay. Really satisfied with my buy. Not sure whether I'll get to wear it here though... I haven't worn my denim skirts yet. Feeling flabby. Hmm. Haven't reached the ba ba stage yet though... I hope not. (don't worry harris, I'm not going to seduce you haha)
We had the biggest pizzas for dinner! They were damn big lah! The big pizzas really make vildaden a more attractive place to live in. We finally went to yixin's place... it's quite cosy actually. Looks a lot like delphi's. Played lotsss of shithead at her living room. I was quite suay this time. Arghhhh. Gotta play at spoletorp next time! And don't sit next to gerald chew... or yixin haha. Elaine's the nicest!
Lots of reading to do... I can't slack anymore. Development econs is so heavy. -_- Ohhhh! Bleach should be out tomorrow! *beams*
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
I think I'm getting addicted to watching Friends. So I try to do work... rush work... and then start watching. The whole cycle repeats... it's a very vicious evil cycle. And I hate reading my econs textbook! It's never ending... all these words... argh! I'm glad I went through my gender studies book though... and did my essay. I wanna go out shopping! I wanna buy things! I'm random! I think maybe it'll be a good idea to have another bridge/shithead card session at my place again. =D
I wonder... will I ever be ready to go for bible study? You know... take a leap of faith. It's just that as I grow older, it's hard not to become skeptical. I pray... but sometimes I wonder if anyone's really listening. Yuxian was just telling me that the day will come when I know I'm ready. Will I ever be ready? I don't know really.
I've always wanted to be independent. I remember there were times when I felt like I couldn't do anything by myself. I felt useless. It was all very frustrating. It really comforts me to know that I actually summoned the courage to apply for the exchange. I guess I should really thank feng. I've really learnt how to be a stronger person... I know that I can depend on myself. I guess everyone will have a few people in their lives who have made a difference. I'm glad we're still friends... you've taught me so much. Perhaps you don't know this, but you've played a great part in shaping the person I am today. Thank you! *hugs*
I wonder... will I ever be ready to go for bible study? You know... take a leap of faith. It's just that as I grow older, it's hard not to become skeptical. I pray... but sometimes I wonder if anyone's really listening. Yuxian was just telling me that the day will come when I know I'm ready. Will I ever be ready? I don't know really.
I've always wanted to be independent. I remember there were times when I felt like I couldn't do anything by myself. I felt useless. It was all very frustrating. It really comforts me to know that I actually summoned the courage to apply for the exchange. I guess I should really thank feng. I've really learnt how to be a stronger person... I know that I can depend on myself. I guess everyone will have a few people in their lives who have made a difference. I'm glad we're still friends... you've taught me so much. Perhaps you don't know this, but you've played a great part in shaping the person I am today. Thank you! *hugs*
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